Monitoring of Targeted Works to Reduce Sediment Export to Waterways Entering Moreton Bay

In 2011 the Australian Government provided funding under the Caring for our Country (CfoC) program to undertake Targeted Works to Reduce Sediment Exports to Waterways Entering Moreton Bay. The below report details the estimated sediment savings that were achieved from the various types of works using a range of monitoring strategies. The effectiveness of the various works’ designs and monitoring approaches are considered and recommendations for future works and monitoring methods are included.

The CfoC project aimed to contribute to delivery of the CfoC Business Plan target to address threats contributing to poor or declining water quality of priority coastal hotspots by reducing the average annual sediment export load from selected sites by 3000 tonnes per year (SEQ Catchments, 2013; Thomson et al, 2012).

Click here to read the full report.


Thomson, B., Hardy, J., Parker, N., Rogers, B. (2012). Monitoring of targeted works to reduce sediment export to waterways entering Moreton Bay. SEQ Catchments Ltd, Brisbane.


Marine Citizen Science in Australia

The term ‘citizen science’ encompasses a variety of aspects of volunteering in scientific research, and is generally also known by the terms ‘community-based monitoring’, ‘community science’ and ‘volunteer monitoring’.

Click here to read more about Marine Citizen Science